Sunday, August 25, 2013


Food nowadays are full with chemicals and toxins, very unhealthy for the body. 
Most food that comes in a packet or container contains at least some food additives.
formaldehyde, it's called "pengawet mayat"..ouchh!
so scary isn't it? Be very sensitive to our family's health.....

lets get 1 BIOZONE FOOD PURIFIER at your kitchen to purify the foos

after purify 

more info do contact : 
Huda 019-9121477

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Marine Essence Beauty Bar

Sejak kebelakangan ini, sabun Marine Essence dilanda TSUNAMI. Jualan dari luar jangkaan, demand supply!

Hebat bukan??! All this because Marine Essence Beauty Bar 

Kalau sebelum ni saya suka pakai sabun yang wangi n brand yang ada class gitu..maybe cuma nak wangi tapi tak de fungsi apa pun

Marine Essence specially formulated with Glycerin, Tea Tree Oil, Aloe Vera, Pu-erh Tea, Liquorice Extract, Bamboo Salt and Vitamin E

It is suitable those with problematic skins, eczema, pimples, jeragat etc...


Dark under arms dan segala celah lipat pun boleh

Semalam saya telah mendapatkannya di stokis sebanyak 4 carton tetapi hari semua stock telah habis...memang diluar hari ini saya akan pergi semula ke stokis untuk mendapatkan stock business partner call me last night Marine Essence Beauty Bar di branch Kuantan telah kehabisan stock..alamaks!!!


Why not we change to Marine Essence and gain a healthy skin!!!

Nurul Huda




*Sound character provides the power with which a person may ride the emergencies of life instead of being overwhelmed by them. Failure is... the highway to success.

*Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.

*The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.

*There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.



Sedar tak sedar dah sebulan saya menjadi family HI-O dan telah dilantik mejadi Sales Manager yang sah. Jangan tak percaya bonus pun dapat walaupun baru sebulan join HI-O,
siapa nak bagi kita duit kalau duduk sahaja kan...tapi sekarang sangat mudah sambil-sambil mengadap laptop update sikit-sikit blog,facebook ada je yang bertanya di alam maya ni dan beli produk kita...

bonus yang saya dapat pada bulan Julai 2013

Bila kita dah join MLM the most importat ialah kita tengok siapa leader n mentor kita sebab merekalah yang akan membawa kita untuk lebih berjaya dalam bisness ni. Sepupu saya Madeena Yahya yang telah membawa saya ke dunia bisness ni dan kami adalah dibawah Hanishaiziprotege iaitu pengasas group GLAM (Green Leader Academy Malaysia).

last 2 day with Hanis Haizi....tuition class at GLAM

small o gruop after class

So bila kita pilih group yang betul,insyaallah leader n mentor tak akan tinggalkan kita bersendirian dan terkontang-kanting...mereka akan bawa kita sama2 mereka mengecapi kejayaan..pokok pangkalnya kita nak ke tak buat sebab tak de  rezeki datang bergolek right??

Macam saya menetap di Temerloh dan seorang guru, every saturday night akan pergi ke GLAM, TTDI untuk attend free class....balik sekolah pada hari Jumaat akan bersiap-siap bersama suami dengan 4 orang anak akan bergerak ke  KL at 8.00pm mesti sampai GLAM...letih??? tiada sebarang alasan untuk kita berjaya

Walaupun baru sebulan menceburi bidang ini tapi rasa seronok n enjoy sangat,,,dan mengubah diri saya menjadi sangat POSITIF kerana di GLAM semuanya dikelilingi dengan AURA POSITIF
Wassalam...Nurul Huda Zakaria

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Inginkan kulit yang Gebu , Anjal dan sentiasa nampak MUDA? 

Dapatkan BB Plus Collagen yang berfungsi merawat struktur kulit untuk menjadikannya lebih tegang licin dan sihat. 

BB Plus Collagen ini telah disahkan oleh KKM sebagai produk makanan. Kandungan dalam BB Plus Collagen mampu melambatkan proses penuaan selain menjadikan kulit lebih cantik, lebih anjal dan lebih cerah juga mampu memulih, membina dan meremajakan tulang rawan. 

Fungsi BB Plus Collagen ini ialah “REPAIR-REBUILD-RENEW” 
BB Plus Collagen ini sangat sedap berperisa BERRY…(senang nak faham rasanya mcm minum RIBENA)…masam2 manis gitu….. 
Ia dihasilkan daripada collagen ikan terhidrolisis datipada laut dalam. Terdapat ekstrak biji anggur, vitamin-C, Apple Fiber serta Russel juice powder di dalam BB Plus Collagen dan ia sesuai diambil oleh pengidap kencing manis kerana kandungan gula ringkas (Inulin, Isomaltulos & sukrosa) tidak akan meningkatkan kadar kandungan gula dalam darah. 

BB Plus Collagen sesuai diambil oleh semua golongan lelaki dan wanita. Cara meminum BB plus Collagen nie ialah dengan membancuhnya ke dalam air bersuhu bilik/air sejuk (jgn sekali2 air panas yer). Sesuai diambil ketika perut kosong pada waktu pagi atau malam sebelum masuk tidur. 
dapatkan khidmat nasihat percuma 

call me now 
HUDA 019-9121477

Monday, August 5, 2013

Demonstration Biozone Food Purifier

Apa Biozone Food Purifier tu?
Geli tak bila tengok proses bubbling tu dan apa yang diekstrak dari proses pengozonan tersebut?
Apa pendapat you all tentang makanan yang kita consume selama ni?
Biar saya explain dulu tentang produk Biozone Food Purifier ni, ok…
Bila dah tengok video tu, agak-agak makanan yang masuk perut kita, suami kita, anak-anak atau ahli keluarga kita bersih dan selamat tak? Lagi-lagi ayam dan seafood, agak ngeri tengok tindak balas bubbling itu.
Kita semua sedia maklum makanan zaman sekarang mengandungi terlalu banyak pembunuh senyap (silent killers). Macam mana kita nak extract (asingkan) bendasing- bendasing yang sukar nak nampak tu? Haa, kita ada cara.
Tapi, apa sebenarnya isi kandungan bendasing tu?
HUDA - 0199121477

I love Premium Beautiful Corset

Premium Beautiful Corset

What is Premium Beautiful?

Premium Beautiful is the No. 1 best-selling health corset in Malaysia. It uses and is embedded with F.I.R technology mainly for improving blood circulation, stabilized the hormone, helping in reducing the weight and increase metabolism rate. It has helped thousands of Malaysian women rediscover their beauty, confidence and become healthier in the process!

The Premium Beautiful corset is divided into three main pieces, 
the Long Bra or Short Bra, Long Girdle & Waist Nipper.

 Some features are:-

* Special Design corset for 70% health & 30% beauty
* Helps to improve blood circulation and metabolism including shaping the body
* Lifetime warranty!!
* Comfortable and easy to wear (Flexible)
* Embedded with Far Infrared Rays technology (F.I.R)
* Recommended by American Chiropractic Association

F.I.R - Far Infrared Rays, what is it?

Far Infrared Ray is one of the energy wave that is contained in Sunlight. Unlike that of Ultraviolet & Microwaves which is harmful, F.I.R has positive effect and is proven to be beneficial to humans. F.I.R is widely accepted as alternative therapy for various diseases.
Why Should I wear it?

The Corset has actually been around for centuries as a proven method to help shape women's body to be more attractive and sexy. Premium Beautiful corset which includes F.I.R creates a complete synergy which helps to shape the women's body, assists in reducing & maintaining a healthy weight, in addition to improving blood circulation and increase metabolism.

Some testimonials of my Premium Beautiful corset clients:-

+ For post-delivery or during confinement
+ For your wedding day outfit
+ For back-pain & slip disc patients
+ Helps with cyst/fibroid patients
+ Used by Asthma patients and helps to alleviate asthma attacks
+ Reduces post-delivery stretch marks
+ Increases and improves firmness of the breast & buttocks
+ Reduce constipation
+ Helping people to conceive
+ Reduce period pain

And many more benefits…!!!

read the testimonials HERE




 ""i am an authorized dealer of Premium Beautiful Corset, i'm well trained and experienced, i will give u professional consultation to meet the best of your requirement and expectation"
-nurul huda zakaria-